June 10, 2009

2 Things

Big Sis and I started learning a new verse last night. Psalm 100:2 "Obey Him Gladly". Conversation with a genius goes like this:
Mommy: "Do you know who 'Him" is?"
BigSis: "Ummm...Jesus!"
Mommy: Holy Cow!(in my head) "Good! Do you know what 'gladly' means?"
BigSis: "Ummm...like happy?!"

Okay, well that was a little too easy!

This morning, while sitting out on the front porch having breakfast she casually says, "School is boring." I just looked at her knowing she doesn't really feel this way. She continues and says "Yeah, you just have to do what your teacher says all the time!" Ha, Ha, Ha...guess we still need to work on that verse!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

uh oh! she already says its boring! she is a smart one:)