April 14, 2007

World's WORST cup of coffee

If you've ever seen the movie Elf, you'll hopefully be able to recall the hilarious scene when Buddy the Elf passes a restaurant in NY w/ a sign ready "World's Best Cup of Coffee". Buddy precedes to run into the restaurant and just shout "CONGRATULATIONS...The world's best coffee...that's terrific" (or something to that extent). Later in the movie, he takes his love interest there and blindfolds her and places a cup in front of her. She tastes it and he asks her if she knows what it is. She responds with "Yeah, it tastes like the worlds WORST cup of coffee!" Buddy corrects her, "No, it's the worlds best cup of coffee"! The words of Buddy's girlfriend are what I recite each morning I try and prepare a pot of coffee for myself.
I've always been a social coffee drinker or rather, drank it for a swift kick in the butt when I couldn't wake up. Then I had Ella...and I didn't start drinking it because of the late, sleepless nights, because those were non-existent in our house. For some reason, I craved it! I got in a terrible habit of having Jeff stop at the
Hanley U-Gas each morning on his way home from work (back when the night shift ruled our lives). You may be having a gagging response to my taste for gas station coffee, but this was REALLY good, it was Ronoco! :) Anyway, after evaluating how much we were spending each week on my coffee (and often times a donut) cravings, I decided it would be much wiser to take advantage of those great Gevalia offers
(http://www.gevalia.com/Gevalia/). So, I anxiously awaited my coffee pot and my free coffee. Once I got it, I anticipated my first pot the next morning...how do you say "way too high of expectations". I've yet to figure out the appropriate measurements and what coffee even tastes good. I've tried different mixtures, more water, less coffee...nothing seems to help. It all tastes like "the world's worst cup of coffee".

My rantings are due to my lack of coffee lately and my utter disappointment yesterday morning. I had enjoyed a great morning and afternoon with a friend on Thursday in which we shared the yummiest coffee! Of course, the fact that the coffee was chocolate turtle coffee probably helped matters. But seriously, I can go anywhere else and really enjoy the coffee they serve (except maybe Heather's house...TAR best describes her tastes! :)) So, I'm soliciting all advice on what brands are good and how you measure out exactly how to make a GREAT cup of coffee!


Eryn said...

i have no idea, as i dont like coffee, but are you trying the flavored coffees? it seems like the ones you would like.

The Moore Family said...

That coffee drink last night was good...maybe I should just always add a little Irish Cream! ;)

Allie L. said...

Starbucks Kenya or Organic coffee with flavored coffeemate creamer. That's the best advice I can give. And if you figure one bag of coffee ($6) is less than 2 trips through the Sbux drive-through, you're getting a great deal! :) Good luck...

Anonymous said...

I agree with allie. We "splurge" on Starbucks at the grocery store and I love coffeemate coconut creamer (you don't even need sugar!). I'm a HUGE coconut fan, though. If you aren't, they have tons of fun flavors. They taste yummy and it ends up being NOWHERE near as expensive as going to Starbucks every day!

Anonymous said...

We have a fancy-schamancy coffee maker that had a grinder attached. Chad's the coffee drinker in our house (I just love the smell). He has all kinds of settings for the light, medium to dark (heavy) cup of coffee to the # of cups you make and a timer. When he sets the timer it grinds the coffee, clicks the basket over and starts brewing. He buys a veriety of coffee beans from the grocery store. Try getting the small packages that make a pot or 2 at a time, then you can try a variety yo see what you like the best without spending an arm and a leg! Also, you can but Sterbuck's brand coffee & beans at Dierbergs and Walmart. Happy Coffee!

Cameron Denison said...

Everyone's taste on coffee is different, that's why there are so many flavors. I am partial to a French roast. It has a bold flavor but is smooth, not bitter. Some like a strong coffee, which in my opinion, becomes bitter. A breakfast blend is usually on the lighter side and is good for mixing in flavors due to it's light taste. As a "rule of thumb", when making a pot of coffee at home start with a heaping tablespoon of coffee per cup of coffee to be made. Remember that brewing coffee is like baking a cake. Each cup is different, each coffee maker is different and it is up to you to figure out how to come up with the perfect recipe. If you find that the taste is too bitter, you may back off the amount of coffee used. If it starts to get watery tasting, then you need to switch you flavor of coffee and start over. I enjoy Cameron's coffee. They have good information on their website about how to create "the perfect cup of coffee". http://cameronscoffee.com/faq.asp

Anonymous said...

Officially offended and I don't care how much you're jones'n' next time you're over here....you're not getting ANY of my deliciously smooth, snobishly French-pressed coffee!!!!