April 16, 2007


I sat down yesterday morning and put some pictures of Baby Girl in photo albums FINALLY! Yes, this is the first time since before she was born...shower pics. and her birth, it all started there. I was waiting for time to do a scrap book, but since I don't REALLY enjoy that, I've never made time for it...not even time to finish my wedding album, that's how bad I am. So, I had this really cute album that someone had engraved for me and I started there. Now I have three little albums done and I haven't even put a dent in my picture collection of her life, and not including ones I haven't even developed yet.

Boy, was it amazing though! She was SUCH A BEAUTIFUL baby! Oh man, we just looked through them last night and we can't stop expressing how cute she is! This is a problem we've had since she arrived.

So, in honor of that, I thought I'd share some of my fave's for those of you who didn't have the pleasure of knowing her when she was a wee tot!



Eryn said...

awww! cute! doesnt it make you just a little sad to see their baby pictures?

Anonymous said...

Oh!! Looking at this with tears in my eyes! How can it go that fast? She was the absolute SWEETEST baby ever, not to mention cute as a baby bug. ;) LOVE HER! -Sis!

Anonymous said...

How adorable and sweet! :)

Anonymous said...

I just can't believe how much she has changed. Super cute!!!