March 22, 2007

Stolen List...Awesome Idea

This is yet another stolen idea from a friend's blog! SUPER FUN! I'm not sure I would call them regrets but rather the latest and greatest trends of an era that will live in my memory for-EVER!

Allie's List
My top 10 fashion regrets of the 90s:
10. Silk blouses with big shoulder pads (I was 12 years old, not 40!)
9. Hair bows as big as my head. It just occurred to me a possible explanation for my left-head-tilt.
8. My mushroom haircut. Bowl on top, butch from the ears down. Took me 2 hours to style 4 inches of hair every morning. I was a competitive swimmer and it helped with my 50M Butterfly time, but still...
7. Leg warmers over jeans. Mine were lavender knit.
6. Bobby-pinning my jeans in a double vertical crease at the front of the ankle. And on special days, covering up the hardware with lavender leg warmers.
5. Layering two, sometimes three cotton t-shirts and rolling up the sleeves so the bottom color showed. That on top, billowing hammer pants on bottom. Sure was ... comfy!
4. Laying two, sometimes three balooney socks until there was really no distinction between socks and leg warmers.
3. Skorts. Need I say more?
2. Sweatshirts worn pilly-side-out, especially the floppy tag hanging off the back of my nape.
1. Guess overall jeans, with the "over" part (one or both) slung between my legs like repelling gear. How did they ever stay up? It's a mystery to this day.

My List:
10. One piece pant outfits made by my Mom. How do I describe??? Imagine empire waist, balloon legs with a "cuff" hem at the bottom, a HUGE floral print with an even more HUGE lace collar. I had one...Nikki had one! :)
9. Mickey Mouse attire, especially the extremely overstuffed sweatshirts that reversed and made two FANTASTIC shirts to be worn with a coordinating turtleneck underneath.
8. Flannel shirts, worn open, body suit underneath.
7. Dad's button downs, Dad's tie and corduroy shorts/skorts with pantyhose and flats.
6. Bangs that were split in half. One half curled up, One half curled down, comb together and now have a definition of "Mall Bangs".
5. Silk jackets for guys. Most often seen in hunter green, maroon, navy blue or teal.
4. MC Hammer pants made by my own two hands in Home Ec, 7th grade.
3. Any clothing items brought home by my Sister Shawna when she would visit from California.
2. Eastland Shoes. Remember the curly shoe laces!!!???
1. My coordinating dress w/ my Best Friend Nikki. Same fabric, opposite colors made with the wide band belts that scrunched around your waist. Hers was Red, white polka dots, white belt. Mine was white, red polka dots with a red belt. Made with as much love and excitement as any two 8th grade girls could muster!!!


Eryn said...

awesome! or should i say, rad! i was totally nodding my head and smiling at each one. i think i had all of them. but man, did i feel cool.

Anonymous said...

i love this. it's so fun to look back at the trends. how cool we felt then.