January 2, 2007

One REALLY cool trip to Pasta House

Strange title, I realize, but listen to what just happened to the Moore family.

It started when I was trying to decide where we should eat and as I rounded the corner to pick up Jeff & Ella I saw the Pasta House on Gravois, of which we have NEVER eaten at. When Jeff got in the car, I asked him how that sounded and strangely enough, he said he was thinking the same thing. So, we get there, we get seated and Jeff says to me "Dude, check it out...it's Phyllis from the Office." So, I casually look around me and see this woman sitting at the table about 2.5 feet from my elbow and she looks like she could be Phyllis' twin. We thought it a strange coincidence considering where we were and the fact that she was with two old folks.

We mentioned this similarity to our waitress who laughed about how cool it would be. Jeff continued to stare and I would occassionally look over my shoulder, totally befuttled by the resemblance. I finally told Jeff he needed to STOP STARING if he wasn't going to ask her if anyone has ever mentioned this to her before.

He had a good idea to call someone and ask them to google the real name of the actress who plays Phyllis and we would casually ask her...thinking it a joke! We finally got ahold of our friend Allen who kindly humored us and told us her name was Phyllis Smith...and that she was from St. Louis , MO. Jeff knew it had to be her now. So, being the gutsy one, I turned around and asked this poor lady trying to eat her spaghetti and meatballs (who had just commented on how good her meatballs were) if I could ask her a questions. She looked up from her plate and smirked at me...and we all knew...and come to find out, our waitress knew, but didn't let on! I squeeled a ton...Phyllis is one of my FAVORITE characters! I asked her if she would mind giving us an autograph and Jeff quickly ran home and got his new DVD set of Season 2 (which Mrs. Claus kindly bought him for Christmas). We ended up chatting through the rest of our dinner. She grew up in South City , and has been home since Thanksgiving visiting her family. She was also sweet enough to take a picture with our family!

So, that is our evening in good ol' St. Louis ! Try not to be too jealous and check out the picture!

Don't forget...a brand new episode of The Office is on Thursday and something very exciting happens to Phyllis in two weeks! :)


Anonymous said...

I'm SO jealous! Woot! That's awesome!

Eryn said...

i have only seen a couple of episodes, but it is hilarious. sounds like this is one for the books!

Unknown said...

Why - is that Phillis, the fiance of Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration? :)

Steve Douglass said...

That is very cool. Amy just sent me the link to your blog. I'm surprised you recognized her from all the other phillis's in south city that look just like her- nice work. We love the show and are looking forward to the next two weeks.