October 1, 2009

New Big Sis-isms

Seems she's on a roll again...here are some of her recent quotes.

After laying in bed with me for an hour, I hear a little voice right up in my face saying, "Mommy, get up, I'm freakin' hungry!" Not exactly appropriate, but who can't laugh. Later that day, after telling her cousin she needed some alone time, I came to see what she was up to and asked her what was wrong to which she responded, "Well, my leg just kinda hurts and so I have to 'lump' (meaning limp)...and...plus I'm just really freakin' tired." Again with outbursts of laughter on my end.

The next day we are driving along listening to Ernie sing "Rubber Duckie" for the second time in 10 minutes (because it's on the CD twice) and a little voice comes from the back and says "Boy! He sure likes ducks."

Yesterday, we had church and she went to a class. I asked her what she learned about and the answer came with great enthusiasm, "The Word. The BLE" Yep, the B-I-B-L-E.

She definitely keeps me going!

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