April 24, 2007

It's just one of those days

Do you ever have one of those days when you get out of bed and everything seems to just be blah???? Well, today is that day for me. Although I got to sleep until 8 a.m. from the minute I got up, I was dropping things, then Ella has taken almost three hours to take a nap, I dumped a box of PartyLite full of packing peanuts and now can't find my product certificate. This may all seem trivial to read, but this is all with the understanding of what has been our life over the last month and a half. For most of those who read this somewhat regularly, you know this situation. For those who don't, I recently had a tubal pregnancy, but it was a long drawn out process, and a week after our situation began, Jeff's Mom was diagnosed w/ cancer for the second time in two years. I just feel beat down...and suddenly! I was making my best efforts to not use this blog as a means for ranting, complaining or anything of that nature, but today, it just seems therapeutic!

The turmoil with Jeff's Mom is an ongoing, daily struggle. The poor lady has been sitting at Barnes Hospital since Thursday and we have NO ANSWERS! I don't know why I take this so personally, but does no one see a problem with this! I just can't help but feel utter sorrow for the possibilities this holds for my baby girl and for Kathy. The two of them are quite the pair and I only want that to continue throughout my babies life! The uncertainty really catches me off guard sometimes.

Despite all that has happened, I've had a sense of peace and the feeling of God's presence, but today...this afternoon...I just feel I could break (and basically am as I write). I'm growing weary and trying to learn how to be the best wife I can for Jeff. I have NO idea what that looks like! All tips and hints are welcomed!

Well, my thoughts aren't quite coming together as I'd hoped, but I suppose I'll stop here. If you think of us, please pray for our family. So many have been so supportive and helpful and encouraging and the continuation of that love and support will get us through these current trials!

Thanks for listening!


Eryn said...

why didnt you call me? silly!
hope today will be better, we will be praying for you.

Anonymous said...

i had one of those days today. i know what it is like. i will most definitely be praying for you and your family. let jerry and i know what we can do.

Anonymous said...

Love you...bring Ella over this afternoon to see the kitty! :) Hope you can enjoy some R&R time away.

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking of you! Sounds like you need a hot bath and some cucumber slices for your eyes. I have this quote on my computer, one worthy of taping and it reads,
"In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity" - Albert Einstein.
I hope that helps you a little bit. I read it every day. **Big Hugs**.