February 4, 2007

My how time flies...

February, 2005
One week old and the most captivating being to enter our home!

February, 2006
Happy 1st Birthday Baby Girl!

February, 2007
All dressed up and no-where to go!
Our future beauty queen!
It's hard to believe that two years ago today I was beginning the most amazing adventure of my life. Although the dates are different it was this time in 2005 that I was starting to go into labor. I had no idea what to expect except to know that we were to bring home our most treasured possession, our baby girl. Here are a few snapshots from her life thus far. I can't wait to see what her future holds and how much more joy, love and adventure she will bring to Jeff and I in the many years to come!

1 comment:

Eryn said...

Happy birthday Ella! i am so sorry we cant be there to help celebrate, but i know it will be a rockin' time without us, too!
makes you just want to cry, remembering all that, doesnt it?