February 24, 2007

Been a While

ell, it's been a while since my last post and I'm not even sure what to re-cap exactly. Let's see...since I last wrote, Ella turned two, we had Valentine's day, we went on a super fun date, Ella officially turned two (by this, I mean her attitude caught up with her days on earth) and we had a BEAUTIFUL week outside!

I guess that's a lot to talk about. First things first, the big birthday bash! It was so amazing. We had a huge turn out, and Ella was surrounded by friends and family who all turned out to watch her throw down at The Little Gym. This place is great, especially when you have one of the most active children to grace the earth. She couldn't stop running, jumping and wouldn't even last long enough to eat her amazing Cakery Cupcake. All she could say was "More play please Mommy". The weekend was extra great because my best friend of about 17 years and her family came for the celebration. It was so fun! Our girls have known each other since birth and it's so great to watch them become friends and chat on the phone and play together. I can't imagine the memories they will have!

Next was Valentine's Day. It was nice! We don't do much for holidays, but this year was great for me. I received an incredibly thoughtful gift from Jeff, and some of you may not understand the impact this gift will have on my life, but it's made getting ready in the morning that much more enjoyable. That's right, Jeff invested in a Chi hair straightener! Why is this such a big deal, you may ask? Well, a Chi is what the stylists use in salons and it's a fantastic addition to a woman's arsenal of beauty equipment...especially those of us with the curly hair that's not quite curly yet not quite straight...YUCK! Way to go Jeff! I love it!

On to Ella "officially" turning two...well, I believe the terrible two's have made their way into our home. Aargh...any help very welcomed! Jeff is working his way through "Shepherding a Child's Heart" and hoping this will give us great insight into our parenting techniques. Until then, we will fight at diaper changes, bed time and getting out of the bath. Again, all tips welcomed!

About this date we went on. Jeff and I don't go out much because of all our extra-curricular activities with church and work, however, we made a point to hang out with some friends of ours last Saturday. The plan was to meet at a little Mexican restaurant and then go for dessert. After the Mexican though, dessert was a ways off, so our friend suggested taking us downtown to his office and letting us "play". Did I mention our friend works for the DEA? Oh yea, so we were heading down to the Federal DEA building (Drug Enforcement Agency) and we were going to "play" with guns and criminal scenarios. Jeff and I got top notch training with Glok's filled with air and a screen w/ real people in criminal situations. We got to make the calls on how to handle the situation and when to shoot. Well, let's just say that if you're a whining fellow agent, you don't hold much hope of survival on a sting with me! If you want more details, give me a call!

We had a blast!
I think that about catches you up on our life over the last two weeks. We are having a game night this evening, warm soup and several friends...it will be great!


Eryn said...

wow! your date sounds awesome! i wish i had friend in the DEA. so sorry we couldnt be in on the birthday bash, but we had a good time at the get together on saturday. james wants me to get the recipe for that soup, we loved it!

Anonymous said...

Wow, time really has flown. I can't believe how big Ella has gotten. I forgot you had a blog, so sorry I hadn't commented sooner.