November 1, 2008

More Funny Conversations

My sister relayed this conversation between BigSis and her cousin Rose the other day. She was brave enough to take them to Target and put them in a double cart! Here is what transpired...

The 2 monsters:
Rose from the cart: "E"...pretend I died."

E: "NO! Rose! You can't die in Target!"

Rose: Pretend! Pretend I died.

E: "No! No dying in Target, Rose, sorry."


Linda Denison said...

I couldn't agree more! Now maybe if they were in Walmart.......

Erica said...

Funny! Kiddy conversations are the best to listen to...thanks for sharing 'em:)

Molly Page said...

How could someone die in the "happiest place on Earth"???

Unknown said...

she knows the shopping rules well.