October 12, 2007

Another weekend away!

Somehow in the midst of the crazy times of fall, we managed to get away as a family for two weekends in a row! It was such a blessing. Last weekend we attending Family Camp with my parents and their church. This has been a church tradition for about 19 years, of which I was able to participate since the 9th grade. It's been about 5 years since I last went, and was so excited to be able to take Baby Girl this year.

We headed to Pinecrest Camp Friday evening and had the most relaxing time. There was an amazing speaker who really captivated my attention with his intense thoughts on worship and how it changes our lives. The rest of the time was spent outdoors, walking around, swimming, eating great food and visiting with my parents and long time friends.

On our way home, Jeff took our family along with my parents and Jadyn to an old tradition of his. We stopped at S-F (said "S" Bar "F") scout camp. This is a big deal for those who have done scouting in Missouri. He shared many memories of camp outs and ceremonies as we drove through. We went to a beautiful rock formation called Castle Rock. He had a CRAZY notion that we would climb to the top of this as a family. I was sad to disappoint him by sharing that my 18 week pregnant self in flip flops would not be making that climb. So, instead, he and my Dad and Jadyn made the climb. From where I was standing the view looked amazing. My Mom even got the in spirit and climbed some rocks on her own. Baby Girl and I hung out down in the shade and used our imaginations about the view! :)

Besides Baby Girl being upset about not being able to sleep in a tent (she literally told Jeff "I'm very mad"..."No want to sleep in a cabin!"), it was a great weekend. I'm looking forward to the rest of October despite it's busy-ness. I'll keep you posted on those events!


Anonymous said...

your little preggo belly is so cute. Your mom and dad look great. I'm glad you are getting to take some time away.

Anonymous said...

A little PS....will you be finding out soon what you are having?

Eryn said...

what fun! i love fall and all the "trekking" in the woods it usually involves.
we had a wonderful weekend at the lake ourselves.
cant wait till friday!

Anonymous said...

miss reading your posts. How are you and baby girl 2.