August 3, 2007

Growing Pains

As some of you know, I have a bit of a hard time with change. That being said, I've had an exciting and yet bittersweet sadness as our Baby Girl has grown and changed so much over the past 2 1/2 years. She is such an amazing blessing and joy to watch, but to put it in perspective, I just CANNOT bring myself to take away her treasured pacifier. The irony, I didn't even want her to have a pacifier! I called the nursery the night she was born and basically made them SWEAR not to give her one! Ha, Ha...

So anyway, the time and interest has come for potty training. She has been really talking about it and trying for months. I've made some attempts, but nothing solid or pushy...don't want to traumatize her or go up against her "will"! :) Well, this week marked a big milestone for Baby Girl! We have had three successful potties on her Dora potty! YEAH!!!

What does this have to do with growing pains? Well, it's just another slap in the face that my baby will be continuing to grow and change. I'm SOOOOOOOOOO thankful that she is healthy and going through the normal changes of life, but there is still that desire to keep her small and tucked in close to me! I guess I just have to rise to the challenge to make our small moments more precious!


Eryn said...

what makes it easier is that you have another little one inside you that you will be able to "baby"! potty training is such a milestone. but you will be glad to be rid of diapers for at least a little while.

Anonymous said...

If you do want to rid baby girl of the pacifier, check out, in her archives she has 2 occasions where she rid both daughters of their pacifiers. The "Nuk" fairy came for one of them and one was used for "payment" at the toy store. Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

YEAH, Ella!! Hope you got our message and could hear Rose clapping for her. She read my excitement, but it doesn't take much for her to get excited about Ella. Did you get our cookies? :)

Anonymous said...

mum I have something in my shorts she will love sucking more than a paci, she should have been raised from the start suckingcock pacis are money wasted