July 10, 2007

Been Away for a While

What a whirlwind month. Since my last post, our whole family and our family story has drastically changed...leaving more to blog about that I quite know how to write down. So, I'll give a brief run down!
We took a quick trip to the East Coast since my last post in June. This was supposed to be our family vacation, but due to my mother-in-law's illness and the rate at which it was progressing our trip turned into a "rescue mission". Jeff and I left along w/ Kevin and Uncle Steve and headed to Beverly. We were there for Dave's graduation from the Furniture Institute followed by a beautiful open house where we were able to spend a great time w/ old friends and family! I think Dave really loved having us there. Thanks to our genius computer geek brother, Kevin, they were able to have a web-cam at the graduation so that Mom & Dad Moore could see and hear the ceremony! It was very special. We promptly turned around and headed home w/ a Penske truck full of beautiful furniture and a Toyota Tacoma full of people. 24 hours, 1279 miles and 7 states later we arrived home to share our last two weeks with Kathy.
In the midst of all of this, while on our vacation, I received word that my Uncle Jack had passed away. It seems like the black cloud would not budge from over our heads! I arrived home, unpacked what I could and packed up again leaving Jeff behind to be with his Mom and my WONDERFUL friend Dina taking his place! Boy, was she a life saver! She kept Baby Girl occupied w/ swimming and naps while I tended to my Dad and his family as we mourned this loss.
I returned home to a rapidly changed Mother in Law. We spent every day together at some point and Jeff took off the last week of work. The boys all pulled together and with the help of Kathy's brother, took the ultimate care of her! It was amazing to watch and be a part of. We shared meals together, cried and laughed together as we watched her quickly slip from us. June 30th will always be a day that sticks out in my memory. As I got ready, after receiving the news of her passing, Baby Girl came to me and asked "What's wrong, Mommy?" I squatted down and shared w/ her..."Well, Grammy has gone to see Jesus. She's not with us anymore!" Her response was so unbelievable it brings tears to your eyes. She enthusiastically placed her hands over her mouth with a big gasp and exclaimed "She's all better!!!" Taken aback, I said, "Yes, she is and she's in heaven now!" She ran into the other room to share the exciting news w/ Grammy and Papa!
The next days were a whirlwind! We had done so much to prepare for this time that there were minor details to cover and we put together the most beautiful service and celebration of Kathy's life! The visitation was 5 hours and around 1400 people! They wait was about 2 hours to see our family! It was an overwhelming vision of the lives she has touched! The Memorial Service was exactly what she had requested and the Gospel was clearly shared with a sanctuary full of people!
Life went back to normal by Thursday w/ Jeff back at work and Baby Girl and I preparing for yet another whirlwind trip! She was the Flower Girl in my cousins wedding and could not have been more beautiful! She did perfect!
So, you see, our life is very different now, but Kathy's passing is not the end of our story, but simply a new beginning. I have no idea of means of grasping what this new story will look like, but I know that it will be a reflection of her character and life and a vision of God's perfect timing!

1 comment:

Eryn said...

wow! amazing, i love ellas response. out of the mouth of babes, huh?
it is neat to see god work in our lives. not always the way we want, but ultimately for a perfect end.