May 31, 2007

The Dierberg's experience

Today has been a BIG first for us. We have been working to wein baby girl off of her pacifier, much to her dismay. In addition to this traumatic event in her life, I believe she has her Dad's allergies, which have flared up, leaving her not feeling 100%. So, today we ventured out for our grocery shopping day and Baby Girl lost it from the minute she realized we left the house without her "Wawi"...note, this was realized in the driveway!! So, I head out anyway. I've been allowing her to chew gum at times when she would normally use her "wawi", but today this would just not satisfy. We went to the bank at which point her mood really started to escalate to unmanageable..and carried on into the grocery store. This had me sweating, and would've had me going a little at a normal store, however, today I chose to go to DIERBERGS! What was I thinking? Dierbergs is not a place welcomed by young least not by the gerontology convention that takes place there (aka -- all the old folks). I got more stares as baby girl wouldn't let me put her in the cart, insisted on sitting on her knees and when she realized that wasn't comfortable, lost it again over the "ouch factor" of her chosen sitting position. I thought I was going to loose it right there in the produce isle. I wasn't about to give in and head home, and I wasn't sure how the spanking would be received in what I consider to be a "fancy" store. I persevered though and asked her if she would like me to buy her a new "wawi" while we were there. This immediately soothed her. I quickly got out her snacks I had packed and we started talked about what groceries she would like to get. As she settled in and ate her snack she actually was amazingly calm throughout the rest of the shopping time and we managed to get out of there without a new WAWI and with a free cookie! Thank the Lord for His provision otherwise...I do however still have the burning sensation of the ulcer that starting forming as we stepped into the parking lot!


We Are So Blessed said...

Good for you! Not knowing how I would handle a "wawi" fit yet, right now I think I'd probably give in. Now you have given me something to think about for my first child...pacifiers. How am I going to deal?

The Moore Family said...

Believe me...I said "NO Pacifiers" in the hospital, but they worked their way in somehow! :) Just try and get rid of them b/f 2.5! :)

Anonymous said...

Good for little one and GOOD FOR YOU!! You did found a way to get through it, understand her and yet not give in. This is a feat close to that of climbing Mt. Everest or something.

Anonymous said...

I have a fellow blogger I'd like to recommend to you. I'm trying to find the exact blog she posted when her daughter(s) gave up the "nuk". She made this cute little bag, they put the nuk in the bag and hung it outside and later that day after their nap the Nuk Fairy had come to take the Nuk away and left a special gift. I think she also took a trip to the toy store and "paid" the cashier with her Nuk. The next day at nap time when she asked for the Nuk mom simply reminded her that she bought her new Dora doll with her Nuk at the toy store and that was the end of that. No more Nuks. Hope that idea helps. Once I get the exact link to the posts I'll e-mail it to you.