March 17, 2007

The update

Well, I feel like there isn't much to update about. We've just been going about life and enjoying our time together.

Most recently, I had my PartyLite one year anniversary! My Senior Regional Vice President, Mary Grace, was kind enough to come and do my party for me! That's a very long title that probably means nothing to you, except to say that this gal makes at LEAST $250K/year selling candles!!! It's craziness! If you saw one of her shows, you would understand how...she's fun, and lighthearted, well informed and makes the world think they could make a killing selling candles. The show was a huge success! People walked away with TONS of free product, I came away with quite a chunk of change and tons of bookings! All in was a good night!

I have also started keeping my friends little boy. He is 15 months old and is so sweet! She and her husband made some changes and Katie went back to work so that Issac could finish his degree. Thankfully, I was able to step in and help w/ the care of the little one and it's been great for all of us!

Ella started gym class two weeks ago. We go every Monday morning. There is always a theme to the class, for example, the first day was up & down and last week was side-ways. They work with the kids on their gross motor skills in these areas by arranging an obstacle course in which they implement these skills. She LOVES it! Her first day of class she was off on the large balance beam and said "Look at me, guys"! One of the parents just laughed and said "Boy, she's not shy is she?"! She certainly is not and I LOVE that about her!

Beyond that, we are working through some stuff with our family. God is showing His mystery and peace throughout this trial and we continue to pray for miracles and health throughout the coming weeks.

We pray you are all doing well! Happy St. Patrick's Day and enjoy
your weekend/week!

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