January 22, 2007

This is your weekend update...

Another great weekend goes down in our memory bank! We kicked our weekend off by witnessing two of our dear friends getting married! It was so beautiful! Cory and Shawn have been in our community group since the start of the semester and yet it feels like we've known them for years and years. There's a cool little story behind being at their wedding. During the summer I received an e-mail from the wedding coordinator from our church asking me if I would be willing to sing in this couple's wedding. I was very honored and agreed. As I began talking with the Bride, the summer came to a close and we were preparing to start our community group for the year. I got another e-mail from the Bride sharing with me that she realized that she and her fiance were going to be in our community group! This made the upcoming wedding even more exciting. I just never expected to meet this couple and become dear friends with Cory (the Bride). Through the course of our group, we just grew in our relationships together and became family to one another. By the time the wedding arrived, our entire group was participating in the wedding in some way, shape or form. Isn't it amazing how God works things?! I love seeing his hand at work in the strangest places!

So, that was Saturday night, then Sunday was a HUGE event for Baby Girl. We decided that we were going to take her to Sesame Street Live...Elmo Makes Music. Aunt Dina bought her her ticket for the upcoming birthday and we made a family event of the afternoon. The show started at 4:30 p.m. at the Keil Center down town. We loaded up and talked about how exciting it was going to be to see Elmo. She would just stare at us and nod, not fully understanding what was about to happen. About half-way there we realized that she had passed out after having missed her much needed nap. I just kept praying that this would be just the right amount of power needed for a "power nap". So, we pulled in, parked and headed in. She perked up right away and we immediately began hyping up what was coming. Right when we walked in the center, there was Elmo paraphernalia EVERYWHERE! Thankfully Grammy Kathy had given Little Miss some special "Elmo Cash" so we found our seat area and stopped at the Elmo stand near by. She picked out a twirling, light up Elmo toy. We found our seats and she just could hardly stand the anticipation! Daddy took her to get some popcorn as a special treat and arrived back at the seats just in time for the show to start! It was all uphill from there. I can't even put into words the joy and laughter that came out of the next 90 minutes of our Sunday afternoon. I think Jeff and I both had cheek cramps
from smiling and watching the joy that overtook our baby girl and realizing how blessed we were to be able to enjoy such a momentous occasion together as a family!


Eryn said...

i was almost in tears reading about elmo! stupid hormones! what a fun family memory. everything we do is for our kids, but we, as the parents, i think get the most out of it.

The Moore Family said...

I totally agree with you Eryn! I think Jeff and I took away more from the Elmo experience than Ella!

Hope you're feeling better this afternoon.
Love you,